
Did you just realize you made a typo/mistake when entering your PayPal email address in your payout settings? Then this article is for you.

  • PayPal payments occur directly entirely on the PayPal platform, between the buyer's PayPal account and the seller's PayPal account. The seller (you) gets paid immediately.
  • AllMyLinks does not have access to the funds. As a consequence, we cannot reverse the transaction if a mistake was made in the destination PayPal address.
  • Your best bet is to message your buyer directly and explain the situation. That happens, it's usually no big deal.
  • Your buyer will get refunded by PayPal automatically after 10 days if the payment remains unclaimed (i.e. the funds were sent to a PayPal address that does not exist).



1 comment

  • Mohammed Abughannam

    مرحبا وياريت حدًا مسؤول يساعدني وانا بسجل كود الفيزا حقي ما كملت التسجيل كامل و اخد مني99 دولار وانا اتراجعت عن الدفع كبل ما أكمل التسجيل كامل وكونت مفكر عمله عنا في الشكيل مش بل دولار زي عنا بفلسطين ياريت ترجع المصاري ازا في مجال


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